Friday, March 29, 2013

More Elbow Grease

Oh my gosh, guys.

I'm so freaking tired.

Yesterday, I scrubbed every bit of upholstered furniture I own.  I vacuumed.  I mopped. I shoved furniture around. Most of this was done while dancing around my living room singing along with Luke Bryan.

Holy crap.  Cleaning is hard work.

I suppose I should clear up a misconception before it has the chance to get started.  I respect the hell out of stay-at-home moms. I think what they do is awesome.  All the cooking and cleaning and organizing and caretaking and whatnot.  They're like the backbone of their entire family, and I think that it's super cool that some women are able to devote themselves to their families like that.

I mean, think about it.  There are women out there who make everyone's lunch, get the kids dressed and off to school (a battle all by itself), and then clean the house, do the laundry, go grocery shopping, pick the kids up, deal with homework and dinner and bathtime and bedtime.  Then they still somehow find the time to embroider curtains, and sew pillows, and make all sorts of kid friendly crafts, and THEN they blog about it.

Just thinking about it makes me tired.

So when I say I hate doing all these housewife-y things, I'm really not dissing the housewives.  I couldn't do what they do, and I think it's awesome that they can.  I just don't enjoy doing any of the tasks that make up their work.  Likewise, I think working moms are awesome.  Because doing any of the above, and then having to deal with working 40 hours a week and dealing with the public might make me want to stab someone.  In the face.  With a hot cooking fork.

Anyways, today I'm just taking it easy.  James is at a paintball tournament, and I'm reveling in the cool, quiet of my (mostly) clean living room.  Tomorrow it'll be back to the housework grind, but for today, this housewife is taking the day off.

Oh, I should also add that I have the coolest Mom EVER.  She MAILED me an Easter basket:

So I shall relax in the quiet while reading a Stephanie Plum novel and nomming on Easter chocolate.

This, my friends, is what an awesome Friday looks like.

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